Lily’s Faverite

This year in reading we read two books. The first one is called A Paradise Called Texas and the second one is called Willow Creek Home. In Paradise Called Texas the main characters are Papa , Mina , and Mama. In the beginning a man came to Mina’s school and told them they would have to pay a certain amount of money to get on a ship and go to Texas. They got on the ship and came to Texas. Then they got stuck on a beach and Mama died on there. Papa and Mina got off the beach and came to a small town. Papa and Mina had to move there. Mina had to stay with a girl named Tante Lisette, because Papa had to leave to get money. At the end of the book Papa asked Lisette to marry him. In the beginning there is a drought and they don’t have any food. Seven men decided they would bring clubs to get some food. Back in Paradise Call Texas they were promised land. Their land was in a place call Willow Creek . Later on, Lisette has as a baby named Peter . Peter was born before Christmas. during Christmas a man named William came and gave Mina a horse named Tucan. Papa had to leave again and came back with a letter that said Opa had died . Mia had to go to school again. Her teacher was a man named Herr Lange . On the first day of school two indans tried to steal Mina horse . Herr Lange shot one of the indans shoulder and scared him off. Later the men had a meeting that they would make an alliance with Chief  Custaleta . After they made the alliance Mina got captured by an indan.  Mina got away from him and Tucan saved her. Then Mina and Papa talked . Papa decided Mina has fire in her veins. My faverite part was when Mina got captured by the indan. I was on the egde of my seat in this chapter. I thought she was going to die or land on her head. I reccamend reading these books.

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